Sunday, May 1, 2011

Coastal Gardening

So I know I have been slacking on keeping up with my blog, it has been a hectic few weeks. So today I will blog twice!

Today I did a little work in my garden with some help from my cousin Jen and her man Garrett and of course Dory got to dig a little in the dirt and munch on some chives! Ryan was at work today usually the gardening is his thing I just give my input and pick up what I want and he plants away, lucky for us he inherited his mothers green thumb! But usually every year the herbs are my garden project so I was eager to start today and with help from new new fave gardening side kicks we got it done! I have to say with out Garrett I don't know how far I would have gotten so a special thanks to GMan!!

I picked up some herbs at R & C Farms
Rosemary, oregano, basil, thyme, lavender, cilantro and chives. I also  have some mint from last year that is already flourishing! My herb garden is outlined in beach rocks which adds a special coastal living feel to my yard and today added rocks that I labeled with the herb names which really adds a unique touch.

 Spring time is here and our gardens are really starting to take off. I look forward to adding to the herbs and vegetables we currently have and really take advantage of eating what we can grow right in our yard!
herb/veggie garden in front of our buoy filled shed


  1. What a cute idea!!! You are fabulous!!!

  2. Love this! What a smart idea for something to do with the kids!!!
